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Software Cracking
Is Software Cracking? Welcome to the cracking tutorial section of my site first a few words about software cracking and a small message why software cracking is not bad thing and why it is bad to criticize a cracker. 2.What is cracking? Cracking is an art of removing software copyright protection from a program normally a shareware. Most of us must have observed that when we buy a computer magazine normally a CD full of software comes with it but they have restriction like u can only use it for 15 days or 30 days or more according to company either after that software refuses to work or legally u are not authorized to use it and u have to buy it from the respective vendor or some times it boots up with annoying pop up window or they give sucking adds or it will show TRIAL mark on everything that u do with the software. Now to your rescue comes a cracker who cracks the software for u . What he does is to remove any such protection mentioned above or any other from that software so that u can evaluate it for as long as u wish and when u are totally satisfied u then buy it, cracking removes all restriction from that program. 3.What is a Crack ? Crack is a piece of software or small program made in any programming langauge depending upon Cracker choice which removes restriction from the software u want and helps u in using your favorite program for as long as u want without any forced banner, adds or just any kind of restriction. There are basically three kinds of Crack that we mainly use which are as follows : * Serial Number *Patch *Key Generator 4.What type of protection do the software have ? Usually when u get a software it allows u a trial of 15 or 30 days depending upon company and either u are free to use all features or some features are blocked which are available on full version and after the evaluation period u are not authorized to use u have to but it from the vendor or others authorized source. Now how can u remove them? Of course u have to Crack them basically u can use that software after the evaluation period by either entering the registration code or serial number or u can run a patch (an exe or other file) in the folder in which the software is installed normally the folder is in place something similar to this C:\Program Files\Your software. Or there is something like a key generator that generates the required registration code for u. Some software have different kind if protection like if u want to register that program (i.e. want to use it without restriction and others) it demands a serial number or registration code which normally u can get when u pay the price of software to the company and they send it to u, according to the data u would have entered onto their site when u would have purchased the software. That means registration code for a particular name could not be used for the other so Cracker came up with something called a key generator that will generate key according to your information like name or others just as the company would have done it. So u get to use your software without actually paying for it. 5.Why Cracking is not a Bad Practices? Because cracking is done for gaining knowledge and information by a cracker and to test the weakness in the security of a program and to help people buy things worth their money, software are heavily price starting from 30$ to 30000$ or even more and the company expects u too see and use it only 15 days or so which is not enough and there are time when u end up in bad deal; to help u a cracker cracks it with the intention that u get things worth your money ; a cracker never wants that u use his crack for something immoral if u like a program or software buy it , because what we all don't know that a hell of a hard work is put into making a software and by not paying royalty to the programmer for his software by in turn paying to the company u are doing a wrong thing and doing injustice to the programmer and something that is illegal. If u like software do buy it, programmer deserves something in return of his hard work. Cause if everyone starts using a crack no one will buy the software and company will have no money to pay the programmer and no new programs will be made think on it !!! I have downloaded a crack but I don't know how to use it has to more files with extension. info and .diz ?? Actually it is the file with extension .nfo which has the complete information about how to use it normally it either has the serial number and other information. I cannot open the file with the extension .nfo and cannot decide which software to use for it. ?? Well u have to use programs called "nfo viewer" they are easily available on hacking site or u can look into following sites for the program ....... Damn nfo viewer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>http://www.damn.to Nfo viewer by Tnt Crackers(look in the program section) >>>>>>>>www.tntcrackers.ws Or look for nfo viewer in >>>>>>>>>>>> www.downloads.com 6.Where
to get them?? Download the tutorials for learning to crack and u shall find related sites in the documents or use search engine like google
Anti-Cracking: So has our software industry surrendered in front of geek crackers who bypass almost all the measures taken by our industry answer is NO it's a cat and mice chase ,industry will make new protection and crackers will keep on killing them, but still there are few good anti- crackers measures around one of them is a compiler called Mirasm it injects some code when u compile the code in this complier it's a good option developers should check it here is where u get it: Mirasm.com Another is Called EXE STEALTH also good anticracker program it does'nt allow debuggers like Softice , Smartcheck, I-dag to open the protected files (software) other security options include Erase EXE-header CRC Protection API Redirection Erase import information Anti Prozess Dumping This tool can be downloaded from here Exe Stealth |