
...Tips for a Great Friendship...


Write a nice card for your friend telling them how much you appreciate their friendship. Spill your heart out to them as though there is no tomorrow.
 Buy or make them a small present ,flowers , chocolates ,a watch, a cake, a dream catcher or anything that catches your imagination! Consider leaving the gift anonymously for added intrigue! Hug someone, preferably your friend! Call all those old friends you haven't spoken to in ages.. remember the girl scout motto:-

"Make new friends and keep the old, one is silver and the other gold"!
 Make a special friendship book for your best friend. Include photos, quotes and poetry telling your friends how special they are. Invite your closest buddies over for a sleepover! Rent some movies and pig out on popcorn, chocolate and all forms of unhealthy food! Bring some blankets outside and watch the stars. Plan a special day with your best friend or friendship group. A picnic is always a fun idea, and great for all ages. If you're physically-inclined, try an activity such as bowling, golf, rollerblading, cricket or going to the beach. If you're all busy during the day, make a plan for dinner with your friend's. Dress up in your finest and have a fun night that's different from the norm. Send your friend a greeting online. Ring up a radio station and dedicate a song to Friendship Day and your friends! Make some new friends by becoming a doer of ROOK - Random Acts of Kindness Buy your friend a ticket to the theatre so you can enjoy a great show together. If you can't afford this, downscale to the movies! Give your friend a Friendship Bracelet (made or bought) to symbolize your friendship . Grab a camera or visit a photo machine and take some photos of you and your friends enjoying yourselves!