Msn 8.0 Web Messenger :: Msn,Yahoo, AIM Web Messengers
Web Messenger ::.
No Need To Download Messengers Just Get Online From Website
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What is e-Messenger?
e-Messenger is a web application that enables you to chat with
your MSN, AOL and Yahoo buddies without having to install any program
or Java applet. All you need is a JavaScript enabled browser
and you're set to go and use e-Messenger. Even if you're behind a
You'll need a Microsoft .NET Passport. You can register
your FREE .NET Passport today!
You'll need an AOL * Netscape * CompuServe Screen Name. You
can register your FREE Screen Name today!
You'll need a Yahoo ID. You can sign up now for FREE!
Please note that you must disable your pop-up blocker for e-Messenger
to work correctly. After you have logged in you will be notified if
you have a blocker activated for the server you are chatting on.
If you are on the road you can still chat with your buddies using
e-Messenger. Every mobile device that supports HTML or WAP can be